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Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6


Our children are the next generation of the church.  Our goal is to provide a learning atmosphere where the children come to know and love Jesus Christ as their Savior. They learn the word of God which will provide deep roots of faith that they will use in all aspects of their life.  Wee Friends is a fun filled hour where Bible stories come alive with the story, a pup puppet named Theo, group exercises, and even snacks that tie into the message.

Wee Friends ministers to children age 3 through 1st grade. Meeting are Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm during the school year.

Feb 2017 Wee Friends
Feb 2017 Wee Friends 3
Feb 2017 Wee Friends 2
Mar 2017 Wee Friends
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